Today is a bright day, a new opportunity, a new beginning for the world at large. This year there will be opportunity for development and change. No matter how stagnant the forces that have kept humanity in its current dilemma, those forces cannot resist the changes and developments that are coming. Change is always present in human life. Change is a part and parcel of existence in this worldly life. However, the changes coming in this world are significant, strong enough to dissolve the order of the past and create a synthesis, a new dawn in human history.
For some years now, the dawning of a new era has been underway. Like all dawns, in the beginning it is barely perceptible. It begins imperceptibly to almost all but then, as the sun rises, the light becomes greater and the ability of people to perceive the change grows in magnitude until it is undeniable. Then no one can say that there has not been a change in the light dawning in the world. One’s ability to perceive grows as this dawning light grows in magnitude.
It is not a singular event, not any particular circumstance but it is a change that is powerful, like the sun rising from night to the full light of day. It is a change that takes place both gradually and suddenly and it is a change that is undeniable. The light and spirituality is the dawning of divine love and compassion with awareness of the unitary whole, of things that uplift the spirit of all beings. That is dawning in the world. That which is self-centered greed, limited view, egoistic thinking is fading from view. That is the night of the past.
The dawn of the present brings a future with a rise in that which is conscious, that which is whole and interconnected, that which draws humanity and all beings into union with each other, into awareness. There is a change going on in the human race, a change on the planet that is a change to bring the linking and bonding of living beings into a unitary whole, into a unitary understanding of the nature of life on this planet.
Thus, a new dawn rises and not merely for this year. This year is part of the rising. The sun of illumination, truth and love between human beings has been rising for a few years already. It will continue rising for some years to come. You will notice, as perhaps you have already noticed, that those ideals and activities that promote the expansion of the human heart and spirit, that support reverence for all life as an interconnected whole, that support loving kindness to all beings, those are easier today in the world than ten years ago. Ten years from now, they will be normal. It is rising of truth and light in the world that is taking place. The coming year is a formative one. Until now, the change has been a bit uncertain as when you cannot quite tell if it is dawn or just a little light in that area of the sky. This year, it changes. Now the dawn will become clear. A new time approaches in the world, a new existence.
Change is never without struggle. There is a natural tendency for that which has been to desire to continue and some meet change with fear. There is nothing to fear in the changes to come. These changes are the dawning of light, truth and harmony for this planet and for all beings who reside here. There is nothing to fear in those changes, though there may be adversity, difficulty here and there. Change is not easy even when it is very, very positive. There are always forces that resist change. When the change is strong, powerful and irresistible, yet there are forces resisting it. There becomes a tension, a clash and it finds its way through.
This is a very auspicious time, a very great time in human history, a very great time to be alive. Today is the dawning of a new day, a new beginning, a new opportunity. Do not be downcast. Do not look back to the past. Only look forward. See the opportunity at hand and do your utmost to align yourself with this vital change and to bring into your existence harmony with this transformation. Be a bearer of light.
Let the dawning of this new day arise in you and the light shine through you, in your words, in your deeds, in your intentions to living beings. When you see adversity, do not be discouraged. Never be downhearted, only see it is part of a larger harmony. It is part of a rising day, a new dawn and the future for humanity, for the planet Earth is very, very bright, very bright.
Though certain adversities happen, it does not mean a dark future. It means a bright future. For what rises is balance and harmony. There is a bringing back to center but not of the past for the past is finished; it is done. The new year brings a level of integration and development that has not existed in the history of humanity. It is a new dawn, a new day, a new opportunity arising in the world. Never before has this which is now coming into existence been fully expressed here. There is an evolution of consciousness, an evolution of living beings, an evolution of humanity towards the cherished goal. The very Earth itself arises, becoming more and more awakened as the children of Earth arise towards wakefulness. The vitality of this planetary system is ever increasing, growing in magnitude. The opportunity for humanity gives a certain vision to those who wish to see. Those whose minds are caught in the turmoil of change may see only the upheaval. Without seeing what is occurring in that upheaval, their minds may go to fear or despair. Those sentiments come through lack of spiritual association so that through your knowledge, your light, your inner association with divinity, you can hold within yourself the greater vision, the greater understanding and you can help others to have this understanding as well.
You should not be concerned for the small-mindedness that has dominated the politics, the approaches that have caused greenhouse gases and the pollution of the Earth, caused the wars between brothers and sisters, have brought narrow-mindedness and groupism as the dominant human condition, each protecting me and mine against them and those. This new dawn brings forward towards a future where all humanity is woven together in ways that are beyond current technology. Technology is not your enemy; it is your friend. Today it is crude and the instruments are crude but the technology of human beings will become subtle. It will become more sophisticated and more clean, with less pollution. Through this, the interconnectedness of human beings and of all living beings will grow in magnitude and the web of life will be physical, visceral, known to all not as an outstanding idea of freethinkers. This will be the fundamental understanding. The reverence for life will become inherent. The interconnectedness of human beings will grow. Many problems that are today will fade away. Others will come to crisis and then resolve but the new way cannot be stopped. There is a shift in the vitality, the energy, the frequency of the planet and all beings in this planetary field that cannot be undone, cannot be stopped, cannot be delayed. The sun will rise. The darkness will be dispelled. It is a sure guarantee and you are fortunate people because you live to see the dawn. Namaskar to all of you around the globe!